Wrinkly Bits Blog

Update on Dating

Update on Dating

I know you are dying to know about my love life, or loveless life, as the case may be. If you recall, I had a date in November, where I confirmed my online date wasn’t an axe murderer, so I decided...

The Perfect Purse

The Perfect Purse

You can buy a purse almost anywhere, but a good purse is hard to come by. I searched for the perfect purse for years and accumulated fifty or sixty nearly perfect purses, you know the ones, with...

Music to My Ears

Music to My Ears

It’s been a busy week and I’m a little late starting to write my blog. My editors are tapping their feet, but I’m typing as fast as I can, and I have a lot to tell you. I’ve visited two states,...

What If?

What If?

When I returned home from my recent date, I was filled with questions and had a fine case of the What Ifs. The What Ifs are a non-communicable disease that attack widows without warning. They kinda...

First Date

First Date

Hurray. He isn’t an axe murderer, but he did carry a knife, one of those Leatherman types. How much damage could that do? I had met him online and I had a bucketful of warnings and cautions and...

Date Lines

Date Lines

OMG, I was asked out on a date. What should I do? I haven’t been on a date for over fifty years, and I have no idea how to act. When a spouse dies, the funeral home should hand out guides to...

Building a Book, Bits of Time

Building a Book, Bits of Time

I always wanted to be a construction guy, but I was neither a guy nor had the tools to build things like dog houses, so I had to settle for easier things like writing books. So here I am, at the...

What Does Unlimited Mean?

What Does Unlimited Mean?

A few months ago, I visited the phone store, and a young man suggested that I buy an “unlimited data package.” It was a few dollars more, but I figured that I would never run out. I’m on the...

A Turkey Named Alton

A Turkey Named Alton

Thanksgiving was a wonderful time this year, friends and family and extended family with food and drink and grandchildren. It’s my favorite holiday, so I always look forward to it and am blue and...

Keeping Track of Grandma

Keeping Track of Grandma

I bought a new gizmo this week, electronic, of course, and eagerly tore into the package to connect it. Actually, I tried to tear into the package, but I am wise to how companies package these days...

What’s Wrong with Camo?

What’s Wrong with Camo?

A Blog by Gail Cushman I’m finally getting around to a back-to-normal state after all my renovation last winter. It took a few months, but I’m getting there. I had the interior of my house painted...

What I Did Today

What I Did Today

It’s 5 o’clock Thursday and I’m just now writing my Friday’s blog. The days rumble by, faster than I want. It would be nice if I could start over now and then, I mean when 5 o’clock rolls around, I...

Nothing Important

Nothing Important

This week I heard from an old friend and asked him why he was avoiding social media these days. In his younger days he jabbered all the time, talking about this or that. In his older days, meaning...

Big Red

Big Red

A Blog by Gail Cushman with help from Cowboy Bob I’m always happy to hear from Montana’s Cowboy Bob. Looks like everyone has a good car memory! My favorite blog writer stirred my memories as she...

My First Car

My First Car

I was 22 years old and headed to the Marine Corps. I had finished college a semester early with a decent, but not stellar, GPA and was still walking. No vehicle. No way to buy one. The Marines...

Where Does Time Go?

Where Does Time Go?

I have a faulty calendar. It reads November, which is in direct conflict with my brain, still idling in March or possibly April, but I’m sure as shootin’ that we have not yet reached summer, let...

She’s Got Mail

She’s Got Mail

Every morning at about 10 o’clock I receive an email from the US Postal Service telling me what mail I can expect to arrive that day. I don’t recall asking for this service, I am perfectly fine...

A Coffee Cup with Character

A Coffee Cup with Character

When I retired, I was sure that I wouldn’t have enough to do to fill my days and that has happened. Once. One day out of eleven years. The rest of my 4,000 post-retirement days have flown by and I...

Is Ru a Word?

Is Ru a Word?

I’m visiting my son and his family in Nome, Alaska, and what in the world do you do in Nome when it is dark and cold? Play Scrabble, of course, and I used to be a whiz, knocking off my inferior...

A Whale of a Story

A Whale of a Story

I decided to take a little trip to celebrate my son’s birthday, the start of his fiftieth year on this earth. He lives in Nome, Alaska, so it isn’t exactly a walk in the sunny park to get there. It...

Cowboy Bob’s Tools

Cowboy Bob’s Tools

Cowboy Bob is at it again, and he sent me this response…He might take over my blog, if I am not careful. Well, my friend from Idaho has done it again, and she is pushing my buttons with her story...

Hammerin’ Away

Hammerin’ Away

My brother sent me a picture of his tool closet and it was a sight to behold, seven hammers, a gaggle of hand saws, a flock of pliers and a whole army of nuts, bolts, nails, and screws. I’m not sure...