A few years ago, I met up with a high school classmate whom I had not seen in twenty years, maybe more. I didn’t recognize her because she had gotten much older than 18, not that I had, because,...
Category: Home Life
Looking Behind? Looking Ahead
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I was watching Cody, the wonder dog, today, and noticed something about him that is different from us. He has a bad memory, or maybe no memory at all. He possibly...
Descaling and Paris
A couple years ago, I bought a Keurig, great coffee, easy peasy, and I loved it For about a week. One sunny morning, ready for coffee, it stopped working. I had bought it at the big box C...
Gotta Love the Grandkids
Grandchildren are a gift from God, presented to us on a silver platter as a reward for all the hard work of rearing our children. I am sure, the word “rearing” is the correct word, as taught by...
Super Bowl Ramblings
The cowboy has a sign above his office door that reads: “Negative Ion Filter, the sky is not falling…you are on the right side of the dirt.” I see it every day as I wander about the house, letting...
The Way It Used to Be
Today the cowboy and I spent time trying to find a publisher, agent, or other soul who might be interested in reading and publishing the results of our many hours of work. But I think I figured out...
I read a book a long time ago that had a catch phrase in it: “Love is never having to say you’re sorry.” Hogwash. It sounds romantic, but it was obviously written by a bachelor, with no knowledge of...
Recorded for Training Purposes
This has been an eventful week, and frankly I’m glad it’s over. It was one of those weeks when I had to make a lot of phone calls, you know the ones. You dial the number, it rings, a computer voice...
Brother Tom
It’s my brother Tom’s birthday and I just want to say: At 80, you are danged old! There was a time, not too long ago, that I didn’t know anyone as old as you, besides Grandma J who was always 80,...
Resolving to…
It’s the New Year, 2023, which I can hardly believe. And, per usual, I struggled making New Year Resolutions. For crying out loud, I don’t keep them anyway, but Cowboy likes to keep me on the...
Busy Times
I was busy all day yesterday, but looking back, I don’t remember a lick of what I did. I can tell you what I didn’t do: I didn’t write my Christmas cards. I didn’t clean our house. I didn’t do the...
Going for a Sunday Drive
It snowed yesterday, maybe six inches, maybe more, but the roads cleared off quickly, so no worry about drifting snow, sliding around, and landing face down in a snowbank. My car has fancy new snow...
Cody and Other Critters
I haven’t had a pet for a long time and forgot how fulfilling they are. I was travelling on a regular basis, and I thought it unfair to a pet to leave for a long time, doling it out to a pet sitter....
My Shoe History
I don’t know if other people have a shoe history, but I do. I also have a purse history, but that’s a blog for another day. My shoe history started when I was just a wee girl, I mean little. I...
Not Really a Blog
My thermometer is broken. It must be. It says “0 degrees” which means there is no temperature. That can’t be. Oh, my, it is so cold that the temperature has disappeared, along with the green grass,...
The Computer Gods are Cranky
Wednesday night I wrote this dandy blog, a laugh a minute, and giggled all the way through. I’d read it one more time and sent it off to my full-of-sunshine editor in the morning, who would pull her...
Toothbrushes and Lemons
As you know, I receive a lot of junk mail, spam, and other useless “stuff” on my computer and my phone. It’s a waste of time to write it and I certainly don’t want to read it, so often wonder who in...
All Done
A Blog by Gail Cushman I haven’t been around a lot of babies since my youngest grandchild started thinking like a teenager, when she was almost two years old and asked if she could borrow my car,...
Doing Stuff
I’m a little late with my blog this week. I don’t have an excuse, just that I have been busy, doing “stuff,” and I’m not sure what it is. When I worked full time, I didn’t have trouble getting...
An Adventuresome Spirit
This week I had the opportunity to do two things. I love to write and feel that no day should pass without putting a few words on a paper. Sometimes they are useful, other times not so much, but...
Who Me?
My oldest grandson, Nathanial, a Marine, is getting married to a lovely young woman, Rebekah. They are both from Alaska, but he is stationed in Washington D. C. where he is doing Marine Corps jobs,...
Ten Words
Ten. 10. X. Just ten words changed my life from routine to chaotic. The cowboy suggested, “Why don’t you sell your house and move to Montana?” Oh, boy Could ten little words really make such a...
A True Story
Wrinkly Bits I was sitting here, minding my own business, watching a baseball game, Cardinals vs somebody. I am a Cardinals fan, and the score was 1-0, Cardinals, so I thought it was a good time to...
I’ll Never Tell
Life is all about change and let me tell you that my life is changing faster than you can say lickity split. Fifteen months ago, I had a very serene, predictable life, even boring. I would get up in...