Wrinkly Bits Blog
Wrinkly BitsA Blog by Gail CushmanIn the past few months, I’ve noticed that the word “perfect” has become a buzz word among those who work with the public no matter if it is in a restaurant, a...
Button, Button
A Blog by Gail Cushman I had a button fall off a brand-new shirt this week. Now, that might not seem critical in your life, but it took its toll on me. I had just bought the shirt, and it came with...
Vigilantes and Lollipops
A Blog by Gail Cushman I met the Cowboy about three years ago, through a dating site. Free. Facebook. I was researching a book (Flash of Time) because I had no inkling of how online dating worked. I...
A Tip of the Hat to Hats
A Blog by Gail Cushman How many hats, caps, bonnets, fedoras, and boaters do you have? Me? Maybe thirty, maybe forty, but for sure, too many! It’s a constant battle. Just this week I have three new...
Shopping with the Cowboy
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’m not a great shopper and since the on-line opportunity has become more convenient and popular, I enjoy it even less. This weekend we had a couple hours, so I...
The Great Beyond
The two words “graduation” and “commencement” are interchangeably used for an event that gives people a degree or diploma, lots of kudos, and of course, presents. They are both the beginning and the...
Brain Drain or What Would Cody Do?
I don’t know about everyone else, but some days, my brain feels empty, like it needs a shot of something, OJ or something stronger. Coffee doesn’t quite do it, and tea never has, so what to do? My...
Police Blotter Mania
A few months ago, I began writing a column for the Stillwater County News. It’s called “Ramblings by Miss Gail” and I am having a lot of fun with it. The SCN is a small, county newspaper, a weekly,...
Me and Mao
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman One of our stops in China was Tiananmen Square, a huge government square in Beijing, famed for Chinese meetings and events. In 1989 it caught international...
We’ve Been Shanghai-d
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail CushmanI am not sure what day it is, what time it is, what direction we are going, but I do know that we are in China. Our first port was Shanghai, with a population of...
Good Luck and Good Fortune
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Hello from Tokyo. The Cowboy and I are on a trip, seeing new things, meeting new people and we are both happiest when we in the middle of some pool of water. The...
These Boots Are Made for Dancin’
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman My move to Montana necessitated that I reexamine my shoe situation. I’m a native Idahoan and sandal advocate, but now I want to blend in with my neighbors, and...
Life Rocks
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman A few days ago, I joined a very nice lady for lunch. I had never met her, didn’t know for sure what she looked like, but she (you know who you are!) reads my...
Listing Away
Wrinkly BitsA Blog by Gail Cushman I’m a list maker. And the Cowboy isn’t. Therein is the rub. His brain catalogues things in bold print with numbers in front of them, so they are done in order and...
The Dump
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I try not to write controversial blogs, and some might think this to be the exception, but just so you know, I think we should take good care of the world we live...
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman It seems like the Amazon.com truck arrives at our front door every day, but I know that’s not true, more likely every other day. The Cowboy and I both order...
Mirror Images
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Last week I wrote about Cody, the wonder dog, and I want to add a quick story about an event last summer. True Story. Every bit of it! It was evening, nearly...
Crossing the Rubicon in Columbus
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Cody, the wonder dog, is a wonder, and often makes us wonder about his lineage and heritage, unsure of exactly he where came from. He is a Cairn Terrier, the word...
Are You Ready?
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Ready or not, here it comes, another January, another set of resolutions, and another set of anticipations, as to what 2024 will bring. I make resolutions every...
What I Learned in 2023
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Instead of concentrating on what we did this year, I have been thinking about what we learned, and made a list, you know how I am with lists! Some of the listed...
The Perfect Tree
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I was busy with my usual writing habit the other day when Cowboy came in, clad in his heaviest coat, stocking cap, gloves, and pacs, carrying an axe and a saw,...
Busy Times
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I was busy all day yesterday, but looking back, I don’t remember a lick of what I did. I can tell you what I didn’t do: I didn’t write my Christmas cards. I...