Vigilantes and Lollipops

Vigilantes and Lollipops

A Blog by Gail Cushman I met the Cowboy about three years ago, through a dating site. Free. Facebook. I was researching a book (Flash of Time) because I had no inkling of how online dating worked. I registered, stuck an old photo (hat and sunglasses) on the...
A Tip of the Hat to Hats

A Tip of the Hat to Hats

A Blog by Gail Cushman How many hats, caps, bonnets, fedoras, and boaters do you have? Me? Maybe thirty, maybe forty, but for sure, too many! It’s a constant battle. Just this week I have three new hats, two Marine Corps and one labeled 406, which is the Montana area...
Shopping with the Cowboy

Shopping with the Cowboy

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’m not a great shopper and since the on-line opportunity has become more convenient and popular, I enjoy it even less. This weekend we had a couple hours, so I mentioned to the Cowboy that I wanted to buy a wedding present and a...
The Great Beyond

The Great Beyond

The two words “graduation” and “commencement” are interchangeably used for an event that gives people a degree or diploma, lots of kudos, and of course, presents. They are both the beginning and the end. I choose to use the word “commencement,” because it is the...
Brain Drain or What Would Cody Do?

Brain Drain or What Would Cody Do?

I don’t know about everyone else, but some days, my brain feels empty, like it needs a shot of something, OJ or something stronger. Coffee doesn’t quite do it, and tea never has, so what to do? My brain drain began Monday and worsened as the week wore on. By yesterday...