A Week That Was

A Week That Was

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Ugh.  My week has been one to remember, except I don’t want to remember it. It’s gone, in the rearview mirror, and I’m happy about that! I got hit by Spam this week, not the kind you eat, which is not pleasing to my tummy,...


Wrinkly BitsA Blog by Gail CushmanIn the past few months, I’ve noticed that the word “perfect” has become a buzz word among those who work with the public no matter if it is in a restaurant, a doctor’s office, or post office. For example, I took a package into a post...
Button, Button

Button, Button

A Blog by Gail Cushman I had a button fall off a brand-new shirt this week. Now, that might not seem critical in your life, but it took its toll on me. I had just bought the shirt, and it came with three extra buttons attached to a separate card. I tossed them,...
Vigilantes and Lollipops

Vigilantes and Lollipops

A Blog by Gail Cushman I met the Cowboy about three years ago, through a dating site. Free. Facebook. I was researching a book (Flash of Time) because I had no inkling of how online dating worked. I registered, stuck an old photo (hat and sunglasses) on the...
A Tip of the Hat to Hats

A Tip of the Hat to Hats

A Blog by Gail Cushman How many hats, caps, bonnets, fedoras, and boaters do you have? Me? Maybe thirty, maybe forty, but for sure, too many! It’s a constant battle. Just this week I have three new hats, two Marine Corps and one labeled 406, which is the Montana area...