by Gail Cushman | Jun 14, 2023 | Travel
The word “lost” is overused in our household. I lose everything, but mostly my cell phone, glasses, and now and then, my train of thought, not to mention my mind. I never had this problem when I was younger, let’s say, a kid of a mere 70, but at the ripe old age of...
by Gail Cushman | Jun 7, 2023 | Home Life
For the past couple weeks, I have been pretending to be a gardener, planting flowers and pulling weeds. I have never claimed to be a gardener and always thought that a layer of plastic covered by rocks was the way to a pretty, carefree yard. Concrete works, too, and I...
by Gail Cushman | May 31, 2023 | Home Life, Uncategorized
I was privileged to attend the graduation ceremony at Montana State University in Bozeman this week. The cowboy’s grandson graduated with a degree in nursing and is off to do great things at a Seattle children’s hospital. Two seatings…we went to the afternoon session...
by Gail Cushman | May 31, 2023 | Home Life, Uncategorized
The cowboy and I have made some rules for our lives, and they work pretty well, and we don’t get into each other’s hair much. (Noted: it is hard to get into a baldish man’s hair, though.) It is a good arrangement: He does everything outside and he cooks and cleans up,...
by Gail Cushman | May 24, 2023 | Home Life
A Blog by Gail Cushman The cowboy and I ventured to Boise to attend the Idaho Writers’ Workshop this week, a long trip, but so worth the while, and in the meantime, I gained a new name. Most of the attendees were much younger than I, and often when I go to an event, I...