Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Ready or not, here it comes, another January, another set of resolutions, and another set of anticipations, as to what 2024 will bring. I make resolutions every January, always the same ones, something about exercise and weight, and...
What I Learned in 2023

What I Learned in 2023

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Instead of concentrating on what we did this year, I have been thinking about what we learned, and made a list, you know how I am with lists! Some of the listed items I already knew, but recent events have reminded me to remind...
The Perfect Tree

The Perfect Tree

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I was busy with my usual writing habit the other day when Cowboy came in, clad in his heaviest coat, stocking cap, gloves, and pacs, carrying an axe and a saw, and said, “Time to go, Miss Gail. Better find a heavy coat and gloves.”...
Busy Times

Busy Times

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I was busy all day yesterday, but looking back, I don’t remember a lick of what I did. I can tell you what I didn’t do: I didn’t write my Christmas cards. I didn’t clean our house. I didn’t do the laundry. I didn’t even get the...
Danger Lurks

Danger Lurks

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’m a morning person (which drove my teenaged kids crazy) and I feel like the day is wasted if I don’t start my daily list of “gotta do today” before my second cup of coffee. The list is usually quite long, divided into several...