What Was I Saying?

by | Aug 14, 2020 | Uncategorized

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I saw a sign reading, “Sometimes I start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” I liked the thought and it sounds good, but I’m sure the author of that sentence is under the age of thirty, because had I written it, it would read, “Sometimes I start a sentence and…what was I saying?”
Since I became a woman of a certain age, my words have begun running amok. My brain is the same one I had at age eight and my words didn’t hide then. I haven’t had a head injury or anything and logically, my brain should be getting better, improving, more mature, but that doesn’t seem to be happening. I forget what I am saying mid-sentence and mid-thought. These lost words are rattling around in my brain, somewhere, hiding in one of those crinkly folds, and I wonder when they will come out to play. I just hope it is not at some inappropriate moment!
And sometimes the written word is no better. When I do my daily crossword puzzle, I look at the clue…ah, yes, easy, peasy, a four-letter word for an African cat: lion, of course, anybody would know that. I set down my coffee, pick up my pen and cannot for the life of me recall what that easy-as-pie clue is and write CHAD, four-letter African country. It’s ongoing, and so annoying. I’m exaggerating a little bit, but you know what I mean.
My intention today was to write about technology and the devious electronic gadgets that have invaded my life, but I forgot what I was doing…and wrote this one. Such is life.
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Gail Cushman:
Wrinkly Bits Author

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