Stay the Course…The Adventure Continues

by | Apr 22, 2022 | Travel

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A Blog by Gail Cushman

Last night I lost my hearing aids. The night before it was my glasses and prior to that it was my phone.  I’m on a ship going somewhere, aimed toward Europe, but I have forgotten my itinerary, except for Pompeii and Sicily, but do know that Rome is our final destination, if I remember correctly. I am reasonably sure that we will arrive safe and sound, except last night we watched Jaws, which gave me pause, that perhaps somewhere along the way, some shark will eat the boat. This is a big boat, but we might need a bigger one.

I never used to lose or forget things and could remember the most minute detail about people and events and insignificant happenings, but now forgetting and losing things is as common as eating breakfast and I wonder if I am headed down the road to complete oblivion.

On the other hand, the things I want to lose seem to evade me, like losing weight and wrinkles and pain in my knee and shoulder, and I am losing those battles. I continue to write lists every day and if I don’t lose the list, I am mostly successful in checking off all the items. Perhaps I should put on the list “lose ten pounds” or “ignore arthritis.”  I’m not sure it would work, but I might try it sometime.

So far, my trip has been uneventful, but pleasant. I love watching the waves and have managed to gain my sea-legs, so I’m not falling down or tripping over my own feet. We have met some amazing people, with good stories and, of course, have eaten some tasty meals that I would or could not prepare for myself. We saw a wonderful floor show last night, with a young woman named Heather Ivy, who told her life story in song about wanting to be a Broadway star, but ended up on a ship, and met the love of her life. Her story was not unlike my own, except I can’t sing a note and I’d probably forget the words. 

We are trying to keep our minds alert by going to Trivia every afternoon, but those games are turning out to be a bust. Twenty-five questions, and I successfully answered six. But I learned what a group of jellyfish was, “a smack” but who would know that?  If they had asked what a group of old people was, I could have told them:  Wrinkly Bits!

Cheers, calm seas, blue skies, and fair winds…Stay tuned!

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