Speed Bumps and Sunshine

by | Sep 21, 2021 | Uncategorized

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A Blog by Gail Cushman Speed bumps spring up where I least expect them. They usually are in the form of those annoying yellow or black traffic safety strips that lie in the middle of the street and they infuriate me to no end. Of course, I do realize they aim to slow me down and make me rethink my route and anticipated ETA, but basically it seems to me like they are put there to mess with my mind and messing with my 75-year-old mind is not pretty.
Dealing with the safety strip type of speed bumps is no fun, but I find that my most difficult speed bumps emerge from life changes such as retirement, health, marital status and the accompanying emotions of frustration and loneliness. While Bobby McFerrin’s song, “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” rings true, it seems simplistic to me, like happiness and worry should not go together. But in my life they do, because in the past year, I have spent lot of time worrying about happiness and what makes me happy.
This is what I have learned. What makes me happy is being able to focus on other people, to make people laugh, and to laugh at myself. Not just a chuckle or giggle, but a deep down, tears-to-my-eyes, belly laugh. I like to be surprised, as I often am by people reading my blogs. I like to smile and say, “How do you do?” even if it is with someone I’ve never met before, like a store clerk or a gas station guy or the teller at the bank or the trash collector, because spreading sunshine brightens everyone’s life. I like to take a walk and stand up straight, swinging my arms, listening to a book, or singing to myself (hoping no one else hears me). And most of all, I like to live bravely, taking a few risks (rest assured that I’m not jumping out of a perfectly good airplane or even tackling a snow machine), visiting new places, meeting new people, and trying to live a life of consequence to the best of my ability.
I’m sure speed bumps are ahead, and I’ll watch out for them, slow down, and yell a little but in the end, I’ll give out a big belly laugh, and never let anyone (especially my kids) see me sweat. I’m tossing the inhibitions, after all, at 75, what do I have to lose? The speed bumps are speed bumps, but the rest of the road is smooth and even. I hope you will join me in my quest of living bravely and beautifully. I’m done with worrying, I’ll just try to be happy. It’s the right thing to do.
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Wrinkly Bits Author

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