Resolving to…

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Home Life

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It’s the New Year, 2023, which I can hardly believe. And, per usual, I struggled making New Year Resolutions. For crying out loud, I don’t keep them anyway, but Cowboy likes to keep me on the straight and narrow, so resolutions we made.

Making resolutions can be fun, but it seems to me that it is easier to resolve to NOT DO something than it is to DO something. Doing something requires effort and forethought, with no guarantee that the situation will be improved. Take for instance, resolving to lose weight. Many people choose this as a New Year’s resolution, and I used to, but it requires a lot of effort, monitoring, followed by feeling regret when I doesn’t meet my expectations. And no way would I make a resolution to “feel regret.” So, strike that one. Besides, I should have control over a resolution, and I don’t think I am really in control of the weight loss resolution because, you see, my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother were all built like fireplugs, and I got those genes. Cowboy Bob calls it “wintering well,” but for the women in my family, he could name the other three seasons as well, but he has this funny word he uses, “zaftig.” Look it up on your handy-dandy iPhone!

Cowboy Bob has three resolutions, although I could add a few. But adding resolutions to someone else doesn’t count.  His first is speed, make the Mustang faster and. (I’ll knit a chin strap for my stocking cap.) Cowboy resolved to drive his Mustang more often, once the snow melts, and I’m in complete agreement with that one. He eyes it lovingly every time he goes into the garage, so I’m sure it has been on his resolution list for many years. Number two: navigate the Erie Canal in our boat, the “Far West.” Thirdly, Paris. (I’m glad he remembered his wooing Gail promise.)  after all, he reminds me Paris is for lovers (Yippee!).

My DO NOT resolution list is pretty simple. DO NOT do any more housework than is absolutely necessary, washing dishes is okay and might be necessary, but I’ve discovered paper plates! But nix on washing windows, scrubbing the birdbath, and making Keto-heavy bread. I’m pretty firm on all of those, but I might have to rethink the window thing next year.

DO NOT complain when Cowboy takes me to Edgar, Montana, for steak dinners, even though it is an hour away by his truck, but he reminds me that it would be a couple days by horse. Also, Roscoe, Nye, or Red Lodge, Montana, which are closer, a mere 40 minutes. They all have wonderful food, and I would feel regret if I didn’t go.

DO NOT complain about going on boat trips, which require some effort, but a lot of fun. The boat sometimes requires a little housecleaning, so it doesn’t count in the above list.

DO NOT wash my car, which has turned from white to gray, until Spring, it would be muddy before I got home anyway. It’s a new resolution, and a consequence of moving to Montana.

And my final resolution is DO NOT make resolutions, just live life boldly and beautifully, enjoying every minute, doing everything we can to keep going, moving and grooving ahead.

Happy New Year…our best wishes for it being happy and healthy!

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