New and Adventurous Things

by | Apr 2, 2021 | Uncategorized

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Cool beans and hot horseradish! My long-awaited publishing gig has finally arrived! Wrinkly Bits Cruise Time is available for pre-order on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Indiebound. I started my journey with this book in October of 2019, slammed on the brakes in February of 2020 when COVID hit, then did some editing, celebrated and grieved a few life events, and all of a sudden, it’s 2021. Voila! You can check it out by searching my name or the book title on those sites. It will be available on May 15. Another wait, sigh.
Cruise Time is filled with fun and frolic as Audrey and Griff try to sort out their feelings of time-tested love versus falling passionately in love. A smitten Logan upsets the old potato wagon as he pursues Audrey, all while trying to keep Griff at bay.
Phyllis and Gus, two of my other character-friends in Cruise Time, are retired teachers and cruisaholics, both over 65, from rural Idaho. While Phyllis searches for new and adventurous things, Gus puts himself on babe watch, but with his excess girth, he can’t quite attract someone until he meets Dr. Lewis, who lusts for meaty men, and she puts the moves on him. Ooh-la-la.
Phyllis’ students presented her with a charm bracelet when she retired and she’s busy collecting remembrances of new and adventurous things, some of which are places they visit but others are people she meets, all of whom are of the male persuasion, and she has full wrist of amulets and is on the prowl for more.
Steve, a Salt Lake City dentist, and Carlee, his clearly alcoholic wife, are the third couple. Steve, who has always been needed, now retired, feels invisible and useless. On the cruise, he renews his self-confidence by treating someone who needs a doctor, albeit a surprise patient. Carlee, twenty years Steve’s junior, became his trophy wife two decades earlier, but now at age sixty, has not aged well. She views Steve, who is now seventy-eight, as old and crotchety, and watches for opportunities to renew her feelings of youthfulness and sexuality.
Wrinkly Bits Cruise Time is a senior hijinks novel filled with humor, life, and love. It’s packed with spice, a little naughtiness, but nothing erotic! After all this time, I still can’t believe I get to share these friends with you!
Masks, please!
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Gail Cushman:
Wrinkly Bits Author

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