Feeling Fine

by | May 4, 2021 | Uncategorized

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I knew I had been missing something and couldn’t figure out what it was. Whatever it was that I was missing always made me feel good and I hadn’t done it in a long time, well, in fact, two years before Tom passed on to greener pastures. My life’s not over, right? I have lots of good years left, well, not as many as I used to have, but all things considered, I think I have a few. Why not? I’m a Marine after all!
I considered the options, to do or not to do, and dreamed about it for long time, maybe days. My first problem was that I needed to find someone to do it with. Tom and I did it together, but he’s gone now, and I don’t know many people who might be willing to take his place, even for this one quick romp. My friend told me she and her husband do it every day, sometimes twice a day, which seems like a lot, but then that’s her. She’s younger and has a lot more energy. She sometimes brags about it, which seems a little awkward to me, but it doesn’t bother her a bit.
I just remember that it always made me feel really good, and I could use a feel-good moment, or half hour. I know that it was once relaxing and refreshing and filled my energy bucket and perhaps I could include the experience to perk up one of my Wrinkly Bits series’ episodes. My imaginary friends/characters, Audrey and Logan, would probably moan and groan and their outlooks on life would become excited. I could already envision them cuddling up and moments later, leaping into this la-la land of happiness.
On Friday, I had lunch with some long-time friends (all female) and they talked about it freely and a couple of these ladies left early so they could go home and do it before dinner. They said they sometimes did it all afternoon. Holy cow. I could see them becoming more energized and animated, just thinking about it. I was getting more excited as time passed. Yes! This was probably what I had been missing.
I arrived home to see my lawn maintenance guy mowing and weeding my grass. He looked like he could use some more energy. But he’s a nice man, and I didn’t want to bother him. He probably would enjoy it, but my neighbors might talk, and he probably had a full afternoon anyway.
Enough stalling, it was time for action. I’d be feeling fine lickity split. It was finally time to try something I hadn’t in months, I mean years. I went in the house and did what I had been dreaming of. I took a nap.
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