We went to Elko, Nevada
To see what we could see
Cowboys and Indians, with stories to tell
It’s called Cowboy Poetry.
So just like that, I got the bug
Of rhyme and meter and such
I sat in front and got the itch
To have the poet’s touch.
Hats and boots, and even chaps
Were in this mix of folks
Leather jackets, turquoise jewelry
And rolls of rawhide rope.
Day 1 we heard from Waddie Mitchell,
(He was not Cowboy’s relation)
A famous poet with lots to say
And rhymes were his vocation.
Later that day, Cowboy took the stage
And rattled off his poem
About BCS scores and wooing “widder” women
And he was off and goin’.
We met some people, interesting and nice
Who talked about country things
Like horses and cows and riding the range
Fun stories to make your heart sing.
Day two was even a better day
More cowboys stepped on the stage
Cowboy performed in the mix
With people who were half his age.
The days passed quickly, we had lots of fun
Laughed and listened and learned
Cody, though, stayed in the car,
Until the event adjourned.
It was a great six-day trip,
We laughed, and ate, you know
Now, we’re back at home in Columbus
Nearly buried under a foot of snow.
PS…I’m sticking to stories!