Wrinkly Bits Blog
What To Do?
I received an email from my pharmacy that said, “Flu Shot Time, go online to make an appointment today.” Good idea, I thought, I’ll go online, register, and hop down to the pharmacy and get done...
Speed Bumps and Sunshine
A Blog by Gail Cushman Speed bumps spring up where I least expect them. They usually are in the form of those annoying yellow or black traffic safety strips that lie in the middle of the street and...
Aging in Place or Going Commando
A few days ago, someone asked my age. “I’m 75,” I said without hesitation, and the person, I was talking with, most likely a 30-something, looked at me in horror, like I had made some sort of faux...
Dancing with Mother Nature
I needed a little R & R, so decided to risk life and limb and get on a ship for a little cruise. The trips to Alaska are cheap right now and it is only September, so I figured that it wouldn’t...
The Sweet Smell
The Sweet Smell, According to Cowboy Bob Cowboy Bob has once again commented on my blog, and it’s always good to see what others think, so I edited his comments a bit to share with you today....
A Good Cup of Joe
I love coffee and drink far too much. I am well aware of my over-consumption but justify that it is a forbidden pleasure that isn’t lethal, at least I don’t think it is. I used to have a twelve-cup...
The Sweet Smell
A Blog by Gail Cushman This week my email brought me a posting from a group associated with a college I attended. I usually click through it quickly and ignore the multiple advertisements, pleas...
What I Found
I started sprucing up my house this week, doing the usual housework, you know dusting and vacuuming and wiping down the counters. I don’t have a ton of visitors so it’s easy to let things slide...
Whipped Cream and Other Things
Retirement is supposed to be a piece of apple pie, ala mode, but this has been one of those weeks, busy beyond words. I was out of town for a couple days and now I’m back, but in between, I...
Fading Days
I got out of Boise this week, out of the heat, the traffic, the smoke, and it felt good. I like the feel of fall, and donning a sweatshirt and blue jeans reminded me that fall was in the air. I...
Becoming a Type B
Among other labels, I have been told that I have a Type A personality, always busy, no time to rest and that might be true, but I’m trying harder to become more of a Type B personality, taking...
Of Times Gone By
A Blog by Gail Cushman While I was off to Florida last winter enjoying the beach, I had the interior of my house painted and I must say the painter did a bang-up job. I had to remove all the...
Simply Simple
A Blog by Gail Cushman In the past months I’ve been reflecting on my life, seventy-five years of life, love, and liberty. I’m glad I was born when I was, a baby boomer with my formative years in...
A Hundred Calories
A few months ago, I sat on the “Forest Gump bench” in Savannah, Georgia, and pondered his “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’ll get,” quote and isn’t that the truth? This...
The Rest of the Story
A Blog by Gail Cushman, with help As you know, I get a lot of responses to my blogs. I drop my blog off on about fifty websites, and I never know what readers will say. Last week I wrote Holy Cow!...
Holy Cow!
A Blog by Gail Cushman The mother board on my PC broke and it was smoky and hot outside, and the Olympics were being broadcast, so I took a day off from my usual writing habit and did mostly...
Remote Control Blues
You never know about husbands, and when Tom died, he took a lot of secrets to his grave. I’m not gonna sing-the-blues about his being gone with this blog, because we are both at peace now, but I’ve...
Earlobe Drooping
Add this to my ever-growing list of sags and bags: my earlobes. I’ve never been accused of being cute, it never made the list of descriptors of Gail’s highly intriguing assets, but if someone had...
A Blog by Gail Cushman My days are fusing, you know, running together, making it difficult to determine one from another, and this week the ruts have run deep and wide, and I’m looking for...
It’s Too Darn Hot
I went outside to get my morning paper and it wasn’t there. Instead, I was met by a blast of heat, like a 365-degree oven that you open to pop potatoes in for baking. My phone thermometer...
Boing Boing
Yesterday I was out and about, visiting a senior center, where about a bunch of people over a certain age met to visit, eat, and have a good time. My guess is that most were widowed or widowered...
Monday, Monday, My Kind of Day
My least favorite day of the week has always been Saturday. For most people it was a day of rest or recreation, but I never quite had that experience. My father enjoyed spending every weekend doing...