Wrinkly Bits Blog

Wedding Presents

Wedding Presents

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I couldn’t go to sleep last night, too much on my mind, I think. We are packing for another trip, this time to Washington D. C. to take “stuff” to my newly...

Bears and Stars

Bears and Stars

A Blog by Cowboy Bob My gal and I took a boat trip on the Missouri river a short time ago and the beauty was stupendous, cliffs sliding down to the water, towering mountains above us, and all kinds...

Doing Stuff

Doing Stuff

I’m a little late with my blog this week. I don’t have an excuse, just that I have been busy, doing “stuff,” and I’m not sure what it is. When I worked full time, I didn’t have trouble getting...

An Adventuresome Spirit

An Adventuresome Spirit

This week I had the opportunity to do two things. I love to write and feel that no day should pass without putting a few words on a paper. Sometimes they are useful, other times not so much, but...

Who Me?

Who Me?

My oldest grandson, Nathanial, a Marine, is getting married to a lovely young woman, Rebekah. They are both from Alaska, but he is stationed in Washington D. C. where he is doing Marine Corps jobs,...

Burning Daylight

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Burning Daylight My dad used to say this phrase to my brothers and me every Saturday, as he double-timed it up the stairs and ripped the pillows from under our...

Apple Pie and Switchbacks

Apple Pie and Switchbacks

“I’d sure like a piece of pie, so why don’t we take a little ride in the Mustang to see if we can find some?” the cowboy said to me on Saturday morning. Just another adventure, I thought, recalling...

Ten Words

Ten Words

Ten. 10. X. Just ten words changed my life from routine to chaotic. The cowboy suggested, “Why don’t you sell your house and move to Montana?” Oh, boy Could ten little words really make such a...

A True Story

A True Story

Wrinkly Bits I was sitting here, minding my own business, watching a baseball game, Cardinals vs somebody. I am a Cardinals fan, and the score was 1-0, Cardinals, so I thought it was a good time to...

I’ll Never Tell

I’ll Never Tell

Life is all about change and let me tell you that my life is changing faster than you can say lickity split. Fifteen months ago, I had a very serene, predictable life, even boring. I would get up in...

Haymaker Heaven

Haymaker Heaven

A Blog by Cowboy Bob Well, my Idaho gal landed a haymaker on this old cowboy’s heart, and I like it. This is a love affair, and I love her. The last few years have been a rugged trail for both...

A Heck of a Week

A Heck of a Week

It’s been a heck of a week, and I thought I would walk you through some of what I’ve been doing for the last few days. Shoulder surgery is in the rearview mirror, but there is a second part of any...

My Daily Goals

My Daily Goals

I’m a one-armed blogger this week…two weeks out of a shoulder replacement. It was a reverse job, but I’m unsure what that means. The doc explained it twice, and I tried to listen twice, but it went...

Easy Keeper or Svelte

Easy Keeper or Svelte

A Blog by Cowboy Bob As a Cowboy, one of my skills is looking at cows and horses and making sure they are healthy and if they are getting enough to eat or if they are too thin. My widow friend in...

It Ain’t Easy

It Ain’t Easy

My mother told me there would times like this, but I didn’t believe her. I should have. I’m a perfect 76-year-old specimen, just ask my doctor, but if that’s true, why does every bone in my body...

Adventure Foiled

Adventure Foiled

Adventures aren’t adventures without risk and possibility of failure, and our planned trip down the Missouri River was foiled. We packed well with food and water for a two-week trip, put Cody the...

I’m Dancing!

I’m Dancing!

This week I’m off on an adventure, doing something I have never done before. Cowboy Bob and I taking a river trip, down the Missouri River, from Ft. Benton to Ft. Peck, the Missouri Breaks, they are...

Cowboy Bob Visits Rome

Cowboy Bob Visits Rome

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman and Cowboy Bob Well, we’ve had quite an adventure, my Idaho Lady and me. We crossed the Atlantic in the biggest boat I have ever been on. Twelve hundred of our...

They Cost How Much?

They Cost How Much?

I had my eyes opened to the world beyond Boise when we were in Rome and spent a leisurely hour strolling down a street filled with shops that advertise in fashion magazines, but not AARP Magazine,...

Neighborhood Doings

Neighborhood Doings

I live in the best neighborhood. It isn’t fancy or anything, just good people and everyone takes care of everyone else. People smile and wave and keep track of each other and when I am on a trip,...