Wrinkly Bits Blog

Crossing the Rubicon in Columbus

Crossing the Rubicon in Columbus

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Cody, the wonder dog, is a wonder, and often makes us wonder about his lineage and heritage, unsure of exactly he where came from. He is a Cairn Terrier, the word...

Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Ready or not, here it comes, another January, another set of resolutions, and another set of anticipations, as to what 2024 will bring. I make resolutions every...

What I Learned in 2023

What I Learned in 2023

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Instead of concentrating on what we did this year, I have been thinking about what we learned, and made a list, you know how I am with lists! Some of the listed...

The Perfect Tree

The Perfect Tree

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I was busy with my usual writing habit the other day when Cowboy came in, clad in his heaviest coat, stocking cap, gloves, and pacs, carrying an axe and a saw,...

Busy Times

Busy Times

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I was busy all day yesterday, but looking back, I don’t remember a lick of what I did. I can tell you what I didn’t do: I didn’t write my Christmas cards. I...

Danger Lurks

Danger Lurks

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’m a morning person (which drove my teenaged kids crazy) and I feel like the day is wasted if I don’t start my daily list of “gotta do today” before my second...



Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Cowboy Bob Two years after I mentioned Paris to my new love, Miss Gail, we arrived.  Airports are the same all over the world and even though I was anxious to feel the...

Thanksgiving with the Cowboy

Thanksgiving with the Cowboy

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Thanksgiving is one of those days that fills my heart with love, it’s my favorite holiday, and I’ve written about it several times. But this is my first...

Make My Day

Make My Day

Wrinkly Bits  A Blog by Gail Cushman Today was a first. It’s Thursday and I invited the Cowboy to lunch at my favorite Columbus, Montana, lunch haven. We were early, not too many people there,...

Uncle Sam!

Uncle Sam!

Today is the Marine Corps Birthday and being a Marine, I celebrate its 248 years, unhampered by progress, as some say. The ads repeat, “The Few, The Proud, The Marines,” and those of us who served...

And the Answer Is…

And the Answer Is…

Home! It is so nice to be home, no matter the state. It is nice to be able to hang my hat wherever it lands, to throw on the old sweatshirt, too ratty to take out, and to verify that the mousetrap...

Happy Camper Here!

Happy Camper Here!

In the past year, I have had a lot of changes in my life, new love, new state, new address, new travels, and all of those make me happy. But I am a particularly happy camper today because my new...

The Marines Have Landed

The Marines Have Landed

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’m about a week late with my weekly Wrinkles, and I just need to explain. Three Marines and a wife landed at our house and have entertained us for a few days. It...

Traveling with Cody

Traveling with Cody

Everybody has traveled with a pet, sometimes just a quick trip to the grocery store, other times camping in the great outdoors, dodging squirrels, birds, or other big brown things, like bears. Our...

Who the Heck is Helene Mitchell?

Who the Heck is Helene Mitchell?

A Blog by Helene Mitchell I have been Gail Cushman for about 55 years and am used to it. Before that, I was Gail Decker or Gail Helene, as my brothers called me. They had other names for me too, but...



A Blog by Cowboy Bob Out of the blue this August, Miss Gail touched my shoulder, and stared directly into my eyes and said, “Yes.”  Since I was cooking a steak on the grill at the time, I...

AI: It’s Not What You Think

AI: It’s Not What You Think

A Blog by Gail Cushman I don’t know what all the hype is. AI? Are you kidding? When you turn on almost any newscast, you will hear about the coolness of AI, and the reporters want you to think that...



I’ve never much liked my hair and I blame it on my mother and father. Both had fine, thin hair with no personality. It was just hair. My mother was too busy to do anything interesting with her hair,...

Chillin’ Out

Chillin’ Out

A Blog by Cowboy Bob Miss Gail is an experienced world traveler, been to over 20 countries and numerous cities. This cosmopolitan lady moved here to the wilds of Montana and has served up a few...

Out With the Old

Out With the Old

This week my dryer failed. I was on a roll with my clothes washing, you know, sort and separate, pre-wash and spray. The easy-to-wash washables separated from those that are a pain in the Watusi,...

Trash or Treasure

Trash or Treasure

A Blog by Gail Cushman I am not a hoarder; I would swear to it. I don’t shop much, I’d rather travel. I toss stuff away regularly. Yet, when I wanted to put something away, I couldn’t find space...