Wrinkly Bits Blog

In Search of My Idaho Sky

In Search of My Idaho Sky

I woke up this morning to a gray sky, a red sun, and wondering if my neighborhood had been picked up by aliens, as I could see nothing beyond my own home. I stepped outside to retrieve the newspaper...

Stepping into the Fire Pit

Stepping into the Fire Pit

I started getting hot flashes when I was forty. After thirty-four years, you’d think they would slow down. I mean really. At my age, I’ve “been there—done that” to a whole bunch of stuff, and...



This is 2020 and bad things have happened all over the world. This week, the worst happened for our family. My husband of 53.8 years passed away after several years of illness. I say 53.8 years...

Look What I Got for $50!

Look What I Got for $50!

I looked at myself in the bedroom mirror and thought Gail, you need updating. Between my wrinkles and drudgery of Covid-mania, I was feeling and looking old. I don’t have time or money for a...



The lights flickered a few nights ago and I decided I should test my flashlights, and, of course, they flickered, too. I needed AA and AAA batteries for most, so headed to my storage place for...

It’s 2020

It’s 2020

I've been working on this social distancing thing, and I think I have it down pat. With my razzle-dazzle hearing aids, I can mostly hear what people are saying from six feet away and if I get stuck,...

No Pokes, No Prods, No Whiskey

No Pokes, No Prods, No Whiskey

The first time I heard the words "virtual medicine," I was shocked. How the heck can a doctor poke and prod you via the phone or online? Would she use some sort of software that I could download,...

An Hour in the Life…

An Hour in the Life…

My dog friends, FiFi and FooFoo, are visiting again, don’t these people ever stay home? I watched with interest at their arrival, wondering if I could build another Wag and Company blog. They did...

Get on the Bus!

Get on the Bus!

  My grandmother, Margaret, lived with us for the last six years of her life, taking her final breath at age ninety-five. Those six years were interesting because we had two teenagers in the house...

What Was I Saying?

What Was I Saying?

I saw a sign reading, “Sometimes I start a sentence and I don’t even know where it’s going. I just hope I find it along the way.” I liked the thought and it sounds good, but I’m sure the author of...

Straightening Bent Nails

Straightening Bent Nails

I am sure that I am not alone in taking credit for starting the recycling movement. It didn’t start out of a save the Earth movement, it came out of let’s be practical and my family members were the...

Wag, the Perfect Guest Host

Wag, the Perfect Guest Host

A Blog by Gail Cushman   I agreed to babysit a couple pooches next week. I wrote down the date, but, of course, my “senior moments” have rendered my brain useless. I do recall the directions:...

Underwear and Outerwear

Underwear and Outerwear

  As I have recently shared, my mother, Field Marshall Von Emeline, gave me lots of advice. Most of it I ignored, but one pearl rings true every day in my brain. It was something about always...

Bikinis and Vampires

Bikinis and Vampires

I am not a hoarder by nature, except for one thing: nutritional supplements and I had rows and rows, lined up neatly alphabetized. I decided to clean the cupboard that stores the supplements that I...

Three-time Loser

Three-time Loser

I’m a loser, seriously, and it’s getting worse. These days I lose everything. This week (and it's only Wednesday) I have lost my keys, my phone (serious problem), and my glasses (several times a...

Ranting at Robos

Ranting at Robos

Robo calls. The worst invention ever. They come at the most inopportune times, they insult me, lie to me, and frighten me. Robos have been a problem since the invention of the cell phone, and have...

How to Master Password Mania

How to Master Password Mania

How many passwords do you have? Once you reach my age, you will no doubt have as many as I do. And that’s at least 1,000. The good news is that I have figured out how to keep each of them in my head...

Avoiding Muumuus

Avoiding Muumuus

COVID19 is wearing me thin, not really thin, because all my clothes seem to have shrunk, which is something that happens when you are on lockdown and only have one place to go: the refrigerator....

Hair-Raising Tales

Hair-Raising Tales

Do you know anything more inconsistent than your hair? For an inanimate object, it has a mind of its own. I used to think that hair was hair, covering my scalp, keeping my head warm or cool as the...

Wag and the Gang

Wag and the Gang

Wag and I hosted my grand-dogs on the Fourth of July. (Remind me never to do that again!) The dogs, a something-poo and a labradoodle and, of course, my darling Wag, a full-sized golden retriever,...

Cloudy Days

Cloudy Days

My tech expert (Texpert) dropped by to calm me after I lost about 100 pages of the Wrinkly Bits book I’m writing. If it were gone, it would mean hours and hours of profanity, reconstruction, tears,...