Wrinkly Bits Blog

Such a Loser

Such a Loser

These days I lose a lot of things. Mostly my glasses, keys, and my purse, but this morning was a new low. I am losing track of time. Yesterday was Valentine’s Day, easy enough to remember, but when...

Clucking and Other Mysteries

Clucking and Other Mysteries

  My adventure continued this week as my friend Trish and I took a good look at St. Augustine via a Hop-On-Hop-Off trolley. We did more sitting than hopping on or off due to a little cold front that...

The Perfect Food

The Perfect Food

  With all my copious extra free time, I’ve been on another thinking spree and I spent this weekend thinking about my health and eating habits. I seem to think about eating a lot.   Since Covid...

Hello? How Would You Like to Help?

Hello? How Would You Like to Help?

My phone has been ringing off the wall, rather my wrist. It’s one thing after another, everyone wanting to help me. Today alone, I’ve had eight calls, and although I didn’t answer them and they...

Life Is a Banquet

Life Is a Banquet

This weekend I was watching television and somehow ran across one of my old favorite movies Auntie Mame and dove into it like an old friend. It is a delightful story about how life rolls around with...

Wrinkly Butts: I’m Not in Boise Anymore

Wrinkly Butts: I’m Not in Boise Anymore

I was tired of eating my own cooking, so decided to venture across the street to nice little restaurant with an outdoor patio called Hurricane Wings, which turned out to be a good decision. I had...

Time and Time Again

Time and Time Again

I live in Idaho, which is in one of the “flyover states” (and just for the record, I hate that term), with no coastal beaches, but since I arrived in Florida, I have gone to the beach nearly every...

Sweeping Out the Brain Sawdust

Sweeping Out the Brain Sawdust

  Good morning! I’m sitting at my desk savoring a cup of coffee wondering what in the world am I going to write my Wrinkly Bits blog about this morning. It’ll come to me, it always does, but I’m not...

Adventures with an Apple Watch

Adventures with an Apple Watch

My Wrinkly Bits books are about people of a certain age falling in love despite their aches and pains and maladies, but more critical for me and many of us over seventy is the fear of actually...

What Are You Doing Today?

What Are You Doing Today?

When I retired, I thought my life would be limp and loose, nothing to do, no emergency meetings, no planning, and no deadlines. Boy, was I wrong. I have so many things to do that a single piece of...

Firing Up a Firestick

Firing Up a Firestick

I have teenage grandchildren who have become my tech support team, and they are more than willing to help Grandma with all things tech. But they are in Idaho and I’m in Florida and I wanted to watch...

Acting My Age

Acting My Age

I've always wanted to be a different age. When I was 8, I wanted to be 12. When I was 15, I couldn't wait to be 18, but there were still a lot of restrictions on 18-year olds, so my goal became 21....

New and Adventurous Things

New and Adventurous Things

I needed some work done on my house, which necessitated my being kicked out of it for a couple weeks, and I noticed an airplane was sitting on the tarmac with a vacant seat, so I thought I might as...

The Joy of Letters

The Joy of Letters

This week, the week before Christmas, I received four letters, hand-written, tucked into Christmas cards and started out very personal: “Dear Gail.” They were wonderful surprises, and also a bit...

Just Getting Started

Just Getting Started

I doubt that anyone would consider 2020 a great year but there were a few perks. Babies were born and people got married and everybody discovered a ton about themselves and their families. I, for...

My Christmas List

My Christmas List

I’m a list maker and with Christmas just a week away, I want to share my Christmas list. The wants are few and cheap; the don't wants, well, don't bother. My four-star rating system will tell you...

It’s Monday!

It’s Monday!

My Monday’s list of “to dos” was eight items long today, two were housekeeping items (I always clean my house before my handy-dandy housekeeper shows up), three items dealt with my writing habit...

My Life in the Fast Lane

My Life in the Fast Lane

Except for a few treks to the mailbox or to the end of the cul-de-sac, my life has been at a standstill for the last few months, the same as many of us, especially those of us who are vintage. No...

Wisdom Spots

Wisdom Spots

Somedays I don’t have much to do except wonder about things, so I spent last week wondering about the leopard spots on my hands. It seems, besides the other wonderful things that women are...

Covid Christmas

Covid Christmas

When Thanksgiving is over and the leftovers are eaten and things are sort of back to normal, my inclination is to begin thinking about Christmas, holiday stuff. I’m a poor decorator and can be happy...

What If?

What If?

What if is a game I like to play when my brain is so tired that I can’t possibly think of one more word to write and my legs reject taking one more step to reach my 10,000 step goal. The TV is...

Why Thanksgiving Reigns

Why Thanksgiving Reigns

My love of Thanksgiving came early in my life. We read stories in school and dressed up like pilgrims and Native Americans, made finger-turkeys and read about the Mayflower and the traumas of...