Wrinkly Bits Blog
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’ve never considered myself a “picky” eater. But then, I’ve always eaten beef, chicken, and bacon, especially bacon. You may notice the absence of lamb, and...
The Old Woman and the Sea
First of all, thank you to all who sent me birthday greetings. How humbling and fortunate I feel to have so many people wish me a good day! And it was better than a good day, it was a great day. We...
What a day this has been
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman We woke up late and the rain had already started, albeit a slow drizzle. We are near Key West, Florida, the end of the road for some, not me, though. Forget that...
On Our Way to Bikini Island
We are on a little trip which always entails places to eat and sleep and view. Of course, Cody adds to the fun, too. I thought I would tell you a little about the first half of this...
Cowboy Poetry
We went to Elko, Nevada To see what we could see Cowboys and Indians, with stories to tell It’s called Cowboy Poetry. So just like that, I got the bug Of rhyme and meter and such I sat in front and...
Numbers Galore
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I used to pride myself in remembering numbers, birthdays, anniversaries, various costs, like milk, cheese, and gas. I remembered many phone numbers, most...
Dancing on a Snowflake
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I always wondered what it would be like to live in the inside an igloo, and now I know. My world has turned white. Everything, as far as I can see, is white. The...
Under-thinking My New Year’s Resolutions
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’ve been thinking all week about my New Year’s Resolutions. I always make them, and once in a while I keep them, for at least ten minutes, maybe...
O Canada
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Last Sunday I got up, donned my Sunday duds to go to church, and noticed the truck was in the front of the house, running. “What’s going on? Church isn’t for...
It’s the Little Things That Count
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Toes. How much littler do you get than toes? We don’t pay much attention to them because they aren’t obvious, mostly covered up with socks and shoes and boots and...
Post-Thanksgiving Blues
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Thanksgiving was ten days ago and the turkey is almost gone. We cooked two turkeys, both home-grown, donated by Cowboy’s son, and they were delicious. One brined...
Relaxation, Cody’s Way
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman We were watching a little TV last night and somehow, I managed to wrestle the remote control from the Cowboy. Wrestling with him is always fun and this time I...
My Latest: Murder in the Diocese
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman It’s been a beautiful week, full of sun, a little rain, and some snow on the Beartooth Mountains that we wake up to every morning. This morning it is 26 degrees,...
Ghosts @ the New Atlas
It’s Halloween, the season of spooks, the eerie, and unexplained. When the Stillwater County News tasked me with finding out about rumors of things that go bump in the night at the New Atlas Bar, I...
A Real Montanan, I Am, I Am
I’ve lived in Montana for about three years, and this week I became a real Montanan. “Where ya from?” people ask. I used to answer, “Well, I used to be from Idaho and now I live in Montana” and they...
The Main Thing
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman We went to church last Sunday and the sermon got me to thinking, not so easy to do any more. The preacher said, “The main thing is to keep the main thing, the...
Looking Back
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman Sixty years is a long, time, but we made it! Our high school graduating class held its 60-year class reunion this week, and about sixty of my fellow classmates...
Shopping Trips with Cowboy
Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman “Hey, Honey Bunch, comb your hair and grab your purse, we’re going shopping.” These are words I don’t hear too often, but are oh, so welcome. Living...
Lambing Season
Cowboy and I are attracted to small towns, and so it is natural to be drawn to such villages as Edgar (Pop 169), Roscoe (Pop 24) and today we set our sights on Reed Point (Pop 175) and their sheep...
Being Cool in Cooney
Cowboy, Cody, and I made our end of summer boat trip with grandkids to Cooney Reservoir this week. It was hot in the Stillwater Valley outside of Columbus, and we thought a couple days respite on...
Back Country Horsemen
Miss Gail’s Ramblings Montana is a big state without a lot of people, so it is logical to realize that there is a lot of “back country,” that is, areas that have not yet been discovered by those who...
Bees Are Abuzz
Miss Gail’s Ramblings My grandmother always accused me of being “busy as a bee,” but after my outing to Columbus’s Sunshine Apiary, I would have to disagree. Those bees are busy, much busier than I...