

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman I’ve never considered myself a “picky” eater. But then, I’ve always eaten beef, chicken, and bacon, especially bacon. You may notice the absence of lamb, and that’s because when I was about five, one day I couldn’t find Lambie, my...
The Old Woman and the Sea

The Old Woman and the Sea

First of all, thank you to all who sent me birthday greetings. How humbling and fortunate I feel to have so many people wish me a good day! And it was better than a good day, it was a great day. We (my son Cole, his wife Pam, and I—Cowboy opted to stay home and keep...
What a day this has been

What a day this has been

Wrinkly Bits A Blog by Gail Cushman We woke up late and the rain had already started, albeit a slow drizzle. We are near Key West, Florida, the end of the road for some, not me, though. Forget that idea. We had planned to go on a leisurely boat ride, catch a few fish...
On Our Way to Bikini Island

On Our Way to Bikini Island

We are on a little trip which always entails places to eat and sleep and view. Of course, Cody adds to the fun, too.  I thought I would tell you a little about the first half of this trip.  More later. We left early on a Sunday morning, after...
Cowboy Poetry

Cowboy Poetry

We went to Elko, Nevada To see what we could see Cowboys and Indians, with stories to tell It’s called Cowboy Poetry. So just like that, I got the bug Of rhyme and meter and such I sat in front and got the itch To have the poet’s touch. Hats and boots, and even chaps...